Problem statement : Write a function to Compress a given string. Only return the compressed string if it saves space.
Difficulty level: Easy
Test Cases
- ‘BAAACCDDDD’ ---> ‘BA3C2D4’
- Setup a pointer at first character of string, initialise an empty string and a counter.
Iterate through the string and check if character is equal to the first character of the string.
- if both are equal increment counter.
add the first character and it’s count to result string.
- if count is greater than 1 then only add count to the result string.
- Else, add an empty string to the result string.
- now, the first character will be the current character.
- reset the counter value to 1.
- Add the last character and it’s count to result string.
- Return the resultant compressed string if it’s length is less than the given string, else return the given string.
Time and Space Complexity
- Time complexity: O(n)
- Space complexity: O(n)
class CompressString(object):
def compress(self, input):
if input is None or not input:
return input
result = ''
count = 0
prev_char = input[0]
for char in input:
if char == prev_char:
count += 1
result += prev_char + (str(count) if count > 1 else '')
prev_char = char
count = 1
result += prev_char + (str(count) if count > 1 else '')
return result if len(result) < len(input) else input
import unittest
from compressString import CompressString
class TestCompress(unittest.TestCase):
def testCompress(self, func):
self.assertEqual(func(None), None)
self.assertEqual(func(''), '')
self.assertEqual(func('AABBCC'), 'AABBCC')
self.assertEqual(func('AAABCCDDDDE'), 'A3BC2D4E')
self.assertEqual(func('BAAACCDDDD'), 'BA3C2D4')
self.assertEqual(func('AAABAACCDDDD'), 'A3BA2C2D4')
print('Success: testCompress')
def main():
test = TestCompress()
compress_string = CompressString()
if __name__ == '__main__':